PUBG MOBILE officially released the Royale Pass Ace 3 (RP A3) to celebrate the version 2.8 update today, September 14, 2023.
In Royale Pass Ace 3 titled Freaky Fiesta which will be available September 14 – November 13, 2023, there are several main prizes that can be obtained, namely the Lunahowl Set and Circus of Screams Crossbow.
Players who reach level 50 can claim the exclusive Circus of Screams Crossbow skin prize, which can be upgraded up to level 3 to display a kill message effect.
Meanwhile, the grand prize of the second season of Royale Pass Ace is the Lunahowl Set, a Halloween-themed outfit that can be upgraded up to level 3 to unlock a three-piece costume whose color can be chosen according to the player’s taste. This outfit will be obtained by players who reach level 100.
After reaching level 100, players can unlock all the rewards available in Royale Pass Ace 3 which has a value equivalent to 48 thousand UC.
How to get the Royale Pass Ace 3 in PUBG MOBILE

Royale Pass Ace 3 will be officially released on September 14, 2023, but players can already pre-order Royale Pass Ace 3 (RP A3) during the period of September 7-13, 2023 to get the bonus permanent skin reward, Crimson Boneslayer Blade.
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Ikuti terus berita terhangat dari Mapbussidterbaru.com via WhatsappTo pre-order, log into the PUBG MOBILE Main Lobby, then head to the Campaign Center located under the ‘Shop’ icon, and select the ‘Royale Pass Pre-order Perks’ page.
Players can still purchase Royale Pass Ace 3 after the pre-order period ends for the same price, but it will not come with the pre-order bonuses listed above.
Players can get the Royale Pass Ace 3 by using the RP Upgrade Card (A3) for 720 UC, or the Elite RP Upgrade Card (A3) for 1,920 UC.