Development of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth – Come on, who of you is still waiting for the sequel game from FFVII Remake entitled Final Fantasy VII Rebirth? After gamers have been teased through the ending of the original FFVII Remake as well as additional endings in Integrade and FFVII Crisis Core Reunion, it’s no wonder they are looking forward to this game.
Not a few gamers are worried because they haven’t gotten the latest news from the FFVII Rebirth game in the last few months. Responding to these concerns, Square Enix provided official confirmation.
Square Enix Reveals Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Development Is Still Running Smoothly
Through its official Twitter account, Square Enix provides a little information regarding the latest news from the FFVII Rebirth game development process. Through a short tweet, they said that the game development process went smoothly and there were no problems. This statement was revealed by Yoshinori Kitase as Producer of the game Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.
When will FFVII Rebirth be Released?
If you follow the previous information, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is planned to be released in the Winter season, which is around the end of 2023 which will be released on PS5.
From Square Enix’s recently announced tweet, that means there is no change in the release schedule from what they had previously planned. So those of you who are waiting for this game to be released at the end of 2023 can breathe a sigh of relief after knowing the latest news about the development of the FFVII Rebirth game.
The Final Fantasy XVI Team Was Confused About Not Being Able To Enter Moogle
Talking about the Final Fantasy game, it was recently revealed that the FFXVI development team was confused. That’s because they are confused whether one of the popular mascots of the Final Fantasy series, namely Moogle, should be included in the FFXVI game or not. To find out more, you can read in full through the Gamebrott article here.
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Ikuti terus berita terhangat dari via WhatsappThat’s information regarding the latest news from the development process of FFVII Rebirth which was immediately revealed by Square Enix himself. Hopefully the development process goes smoothly so that gamers don’t have to wait long for the game to be released.